Using Handheld Inkjet Printer Guns for Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Counterfeiting is a global issue that poses significant challenges to brand integrity and consumer safety. In response, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to combat this problem. Among various measures, the handheld printer gun has emerged as a powerful tool in this ongoing battle.

No counterfeit

Common Ways for Anti-Counterfeiting

Traditionally, anti-counterfeiting strategies have included features like holograms, watermarks, serial numbers, and RFID tags. These methods serve as deterrents by making the replication of products more complex and easily identifiable. However, counterfeiters continue to find ways to mimic these security features, pushing industries to look for more advanced and adaptable solutions.


The Role of Handheld Printer Guns in Anti-Counterfeiting

Handheld inkjet printers represent a technological leap in anti-counterfeiting measures. They offer the flexibility to print unique, serialized, or custom security markings such as QR code, barcode or batch number directly onto a wide range of products while on the go. This adaptability makes them suitable for dynamic market requirements where customization and quick response are crucial.

Capabilities and Benefits of Handheld Printers

These devices are capable of printing on various substrates, including carton, fabric, glass, metal, plastic, wood and many more. The portability of handheld printers allows for on-site marking, reducing the risk of security breaches in the supply chain. Furthermore, their ability to print complex codes, such as QR codes or barcodes, adds a layer of security that is difficult for counterfeiters to replicate.

Bentsai's Innovative Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions

Bentsai invisible ink

In the realm of handheld inkjet printing, Bentsai stands out with its reliable quality, professional marking and coding, responsible customer service and more. When it comes to anti-counterfeiting, the specialized invisible ink that Bentsai offers, is the true helper. The Bentsai BT-2586P invisible ink cartridge is only visible under UV light. This ink, solvent-based and quick-drying, requires no pre-coating, making it highly efficient for fast-paced production environments.

Bentsai's solution particularly complements the handheld printers' capability to swiftly adapt to different materials, from packaging to product surfaces, making them more versatile in anti-counterfeiting roles. By integrating Bentsai's invisible ink into the marking processes, industries can leverage the on-the-go printing capabilities of handheld devices while ensuring a higher level of security. This symbiosis between the ink technology and the printers opens new avenues in various sectors, from pharmaceuticals to high-value consumer goods, where safeguarding against counterfeits is critical.

The Use of Handheld Printer in Across Industries

The use of handheld inkjet printers, particularly with advanced solutions like Bentsai's, is gaining traction in various sectors. In the pharmaceutical industry, they are used to print traceable codes on drug packaging. In luxury goods, these printers help maintain brand authenticity. The versatility of Bentsai's ink broadens these applications, providing an effective tool against counterfeiting in any industry.


Future Trends in Anti-Counterfeiting

The future of anti-counterfeiting is likely to see an increase in smart and connected solutions. Technologies like blockchain for traceability, AI for pattern recognition, and advanced inks and materials will become more prevalent. Innovations like Bentsai's invisible ink are just the beginning of a new wave of advanced anti-counterfeiting tools.



The fight against counterfeiting is an evolving challenge that demands innovative solutions. Handheld inkjet printer guns, particularly with advancements like those offered by Bentsai, play a crucial role in this fight. As technology progresses, these tools will become even more integral in protecting products and consumers from the risks of counterfeit goods.

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